Different people have different daily activities. It depends on their occupations, hobby, life style or even geographic area. When I lived in Pariaman, I used to teach from 7 to 3 every day. When I moved to Central Java as a volunteer in education, I have changed several habits that I did in Pariaman. These are my top 3 daily activities in Central Java.

  1. Teaching

I teach Junior High School here. I got some easiness here, my home stay is really close to the school. Just need 3 minutes to arrive at school, different in Padang I had to ride my motorcycle to arrive at school with 25 minutes duration. I teach here from 7 to 1. I spend my time at school to manage the library, teach English-Math-Indonesia Language. I enjoy my time at school, I also have schedule to teach my students out side the school’s schedule. I give them tutor and prepare them to some competitions and Olympiads.

  • Bicycling

My favorite activity! I always spend time every day to go bicycling. It helps me to reduce my stress. I feel really relaxed after bicycling. It also helps me to know better location and places around me. When I play bicycle, I also have a chance to have a small talk with people here. I get easier to do socialization. Not only that, bicycling actually is a sport, so I also get healthier by doing it daily. Usually I will play bicycle 2 km/day, but in the weekend I can go bicycling for 18 km.

  • Washing Dishes

I never wash my dishes when I lived in Pariaman. My mother or my sister used to do that. But when I moved to Grobogan, and live alone, I have to clean all my stuff and including the dishes. This is my daily activity that I must do, because if I don’t do this, I have no clean plates or glass to be use. I wash my dishes every morning and afternoon. Sometimes, if the water is off I have to wait until night to be able to wash my dishes. What an experience!

Penulis : Diko Harianto


3 Tokoh Perempuan Inspiratif

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