English is an international language used to connect with people from all over the world. English is one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet, whether as a first, second, or thirdlanguage. In Indonesia, English is taught from elementary schools to universities. Many individuals give up trying to learn English because they find it tough, but did you know that developing your English skills is not as difficult as you might think? All you have to do is study on a regular basis.

English, as we all know, is a worldwide language that is required in today’s world. English language abilities are crucial, especially whether looking for a career, applying for a scholarship to study abroad, or simply wanting to see the world.

When it comes to studying a foreign language, such as English, vocabulary is quite crucial. A person with a restricted vocabulary will have a limited knowledge of English speaking, reading, listening, and writing, although there are four language skills to acquire: listening, reading, speaking, and writing, vocabulary is the first skill that English learners must master. We might infer that studyingvocabulary is the most crucial skill to acquire when learning a language. Perhaps something for which it is difficult to succeed without first knowing the vocabulary.

Here are some tips to improve your English vocabulary:

1. Learn 3 Words Every Day

It will not be difficult to acquire at least three vocabularies every day, even if only a little, and this can be an investment in the future. It will undoubtedly be straightforward if you continue to learn the term city. If you can just write a few sentences in English today, but your vocabulary grows, you will be able to write a complete text one day.

2.Repeating the Same Vocabulary

It’s fine to repeat the same language so that we can better grasp it and remember it. Because the most common challenge experienced by English language students is forgetting previously learned vocabulary, there is no harm in completing a review or repeating the memorizing of previously learned vocabulary.

3. Practicing the Vocabulary That Has Been Learned

The most important thing we can do to ensure that we remember the language we have memorized is to practice it. The vocabulary will last longer in our memory if we practice it.

4.  Learn common english words

There are a plethora of English vocabularies to be studied. Because we meet common vocabulary so frequently in everyday life, acquiring it will make it easier for us to retain and use. If you started to learn wrong vocab, what i mean by wrong vocab is the vocabularies that rarely use by people , so as  a beginner in that language it is will be hard to remmember it.

5. Study with Partners

Learning English will be more fun if we have friends to study together. With partners we can share or test each other’s vocabulary skills that have been learned.

6.Use Foreign Language Learning Applications

Of course, in today’s internet age, there are a plethora of apps that can assist us in learning a foreign language. We can download software from the internet to our own gadgets so that we can study whenever and wherever we want.

Those are some tips to improve your English vocabulary. We can get vocabulary from anywhere such as , movies, games and others. Good luck, the struggle of today is the result of the future.

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