Vocabulary refers to all the words required to convey a speaker’s ideas and meaning. Furthermore, when attempting to communicate in English, vocabulary is crucial. Understanding words and their meanings is another aspect of vocabulary. Speaking refers to having the ability to express ideas or information that one has or wants to express. Of course, a person’s capacity to communicate verbally is also influenced by their language level. Speaking naturally is easier for someone with a vast vocabulary than for someone with a little one.

Below are some of the mandatory and most frequently used vocabularies in everyday life that will be very useful for beginner English learners to master English.

What did I do wrong?Apa salah ku?
Come again?Maaf, bisa diulang?
Over my dead body!Langkahi dulu mayatku!
Where’s the fire?Kenapa buru2?
When pigs fly!Tidak mungkin
Are you in?Kamu mau ikut?
You have the wrong numberKamu salah sambung
How dare you!Beraninya kamu!
shortcutJalan pintas
After youSilahkan duluan

So, those are expressions in English that you need to learn that will help you a lot in the process of mastering English language and good luck!!

Menguatkan Jiwa Nasionalisme Pemuda Menuju Era Generasi Emas 2045

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