Of course, everyone in this world wants to be respected by each other and wants a life full of kindness. By being able to respect each other, life in the world will feel calmer. Everyone wants to be respected, but not everyone can respect each other. Of course, that is something wrong, because when you want to be respected, you have to start with yourself—that is, start being able to respect other people. That way, other people will also start to honor you. Considering that Indonesia is very diverse, with many different customs, cultures, languages, and religious beliefs, tolerance is very important to maintain the country’s uniqueness. Unfortunately, there are still a few intolerable people in this world. Indonesian unity, which has been very strong thanks to tolerance and togetherness, could ultimately be threatened if this trend is allowed to continue and is uncontrolled. There are several things we can do to stop the spread of bigotry.

My strategy for reviving tolerance in Indonesia through educating all Indonesians about pro-peace narratives is to join groups that advocate for peace. As everyone knows, the awareness of tolerance and acceptance of differences among Indonesians was crucial to the country’s independence, as it allowed Indonesia to become one cohesive nation from Sabang to Merauke without questioning differences in ethnicity, culture, or beliefs. Because of this, I have faith that teaching Indonesians the importance of tolerance and diversity will help to solve the problem of intolerance. I hope that everyone will follow suit, disseminating messages of peace in cyberspace, abstaining from provocation, and working to build a peaceful, tolerant Indonesia. In order to preserve variety and foster a peaceful way of life in Indonesia, my wish is for all Indonesians to eradicate intolerance.

We can stop hate speech that can spark wars by being good citizens, which means that we use the internet to spread positive messages, avoid offensive remarks, and take part in keeping it lively. Thus, let us cooperate to bring about world peace by abstaining from starting or participating in online conflicts that incite animosity. It is true that tolerance can lead to goodness and harmony. If one has tolerance in their outlook on life, one can coexist peacefully with people from diverse backgrounds. Whether it is as a result of divergent political, religious, or familial ideologies, Together, let’s post important videos and other messages requesting peace on the internet. In order to make the world a better place for our grandchildren and future generations, you can also start a blog advocating for peace. If everyone can learn to respect one another, beginning with themselves, then everyone will live in harmony.

Penulis : Ivanium Basmai



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