If you are working from Monday to Friday or you go to school every week day, and you are confused what are you going to do in the weekend, here are some several activities that you can do to enjoy your weekend.

Having a family time
Weekend is a great time for family gathering. For every family members are in holiday in the weekend, you can have family meeting then. You can just simply watch a film together, or just talking and gather in a living room. You also can invite your family to have a picnic day, whether you do it on your field, or you can go to somewhere and do the picnic there.

Do some sports

For you work or go to school until Friday, you may have no time to do some sports or exercises. It is suggested to do a routine sport in order to maintain and improve our health. You can use weekend to do this. In the morning, you can start by go jogging or walking. In the morning around 5.30 to 6.30 is the good time to go outside doing some sports. The air so fresh and the temperature is cool. If you are not interested in jogging or walking, you can start by swimming and meditation. To end your sports day, you can play badminton, bicycle, and basketball or stay at home to home workout.

Improve your skill

Another activities you can do is improving your skill. You can learn a new thing in the weekend. Reading a book, watching you tube videos, learning public speaking, or you can go to some courses. My suggestion to you, learn a new skill that is different with your daily activity in weekday. It will help you to decrease your blind spot, and you have a various ability and skill that can help you in the future.

Travelling with friends

Going somewhere with your friends is an interesting to do in the weekend. There a lot of tourism places that can visit together. You can create some memories with them, take some pictures, try a new food and sing along your trip. Not only that, you also can hang out with your friends and just play Uno card and have a moment to share your life’s update.

Write by : Diko


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