Human is so complicated. Agree? Some of us will directly agree with that first sentence. But others may say strongly disagree. For me, it is our thought that should be called as the complicated one. Life is simple actually, but our thoughts don’t. In the middle every day problem, mismatch between reality and expectations, it is really important to be a sane person. You don’t let your thoughts drive you crazy.

There are several tips that you can use to keep yourself sane:

  1. Being Mindfulness

What does it mean? Being mindfulness means being present. How many of us who don’t live the present moment? You are anxiety with your future. You can’t let go your past. That makes you forget that you live your life now. You forget your present moment because of thinking your future or your past. When your mind travels to future and past, don’t forget your present is the most important thing that happens now. Pull yourself up to the present moment. See your window’s scenery, listen to the bird’s sound, touch your cat, or drink your favorite tea. Be present!

  • It is What It is

It’s actually a mantra that I take personally to live my life. It is what it is. It reduces my expectation when people get me wrong and treat me badly. It is lower my anger, my sadness, and all the disappointed from people around me. When life doesn’t run well as I expect, it cocoons me from negative emotion. I am relieving because I can accept things easily. I know that I can’t change all people around me, or my situation. It helps me breathing well.

Life is not as easy as what we see in social media. But it is also not as hard as we think. Live bravely every day, choose to be sane every single moment. You always get yourself as your first supporter, and you are always able to let yourself to be the solution maker to your own self.

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