Lyodra is a young famous singer in Indonesia. She got famous after joining singing competition in televition. “Terlanjur Mencinta” is one of her songs that I heard first time. She has a unique character and strong voice. Indonesian also her as young Diva.

She also often gets requests to sing for movie sound tract. In movie “Ipar Adalah Maut”, Lyodra sings the sound tract. The title is Tak Selalu Memiliki. The song is really matching with the movie. Every one talks about that movie while playing Lyodra’s song.

Lyodra also recycles old songs become the new one. Those song are Sang Dewi and Terlalu Cinta. The two songs aren’t easy songs to be sang again by the new singer. It because the original version are the most famous songs in Indonesia from time to time.

In Sang Dewi song, Indonesian society really being hypnotize by it. Lyodra is able to bring an old song with her style, and become beautiful in her own way. Sang Dewi by Lyodra was played in many radio, events, and concert.

Lately, Lyodra also released a new single, Terlalu Cinta. It’s like a bomb that explode in many platform such as Spotify, Youtube, X, Tik-Tok, and Instagram. This song is firstly sang by Rossa, and it becomes her top song until now. Even though like that, Lyodra still able to arrange that song becomes Terlalu Cinta in new version.

Lyodra is a talented singer and a pride for Indonesian. Wish she always serves us with a new and fresh thing in music industry.

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